Sunlight Shores Shoreline Restoration and Armor Removal


Northwest Straits Foundation, Sunlight Shores Country Club and Island County Marine Resources Committee are partners on the Sunlight Shores nearshore restoration project. In fall 2018, 350 linear feet of shoreline and 0.25 acres of nearshore habitat were restored within Useless Bay, Whidbey Island.

Much work had to be done to restore the area, including debris, rip rap, and fill removal, creosote piling removal and disposal; shoreline regrading; large woody debris procurement and placement; soil amendment and mulching; and planting.

Planting of the restoration site began on March 19, 2019. The first phase of planting consisted of planting coast gumweed, snowberry, ocean spray, nootka rose, beach pea, shore pine, red flowering currant, seashore plantain, seashore lupine and 1,500 dune grass. Thanks to volunteers, and members of both the Island County MRC and Sunlight Shores Country Club, planting was completed in less than three hours.

A restored shoreline, riparian zone and large woody debris (LWD) recruitment provides localized shading and a source of insects critical in the diet of migrating juvenile salmonids, reconnecting the nearshore to backshore and upland habitats. LWD also provides structure and stability to the shoreline sediments.
This project was a result of outreach and education through Island County DNR and NWSF Shore Friendly programs that provide guidance and resources to shoreline landowners to encourage natural solutions to shoreline protection for the benefit of habitat and people.

The design and permitting for this project was funded by Marine & Nearshore Grant Program/Habitat Strategic Initiative (EPA/WDFW/DNR).

Construction funding provided by Salmon Recovery Funding Board, Honda Marine Science Foundation, and National Fish & Wildlife Foundation.

Engineering and design of the project was completed by Coastal Geologic Services. Construction was completed by Trimaxx Construction, Inc.


Time lapse video of the Sunlight Shores project by Coastal Geologic Services.

Video from Island County DNR featuring Sunlight Shores. 

Before picture taken by John Githens

After picture taken by John Githens

This project has been funded wholly or in part by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under assistance agreement PC-011J22301 through the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW). The contents of this document do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the EPA or WDFW, nor does mention of trade names or commercial products constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.

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October 3, 2018