As a shoreline property owner, you have a unique connection to the Salish Sea…and you are deeply invested in your property.
Take advantage of these free and cost-shared services offered by the Northwest Straits Foundation:
FREE Shoreline Property Coastal Assessment:
Have a licensed coastal geologist/engineer assess your property’s erosion potential. Participants will receive a brief report for your use in determining options for managing and protecting your property while also protecting the habitat it supports. Contact the Nearshore Program Manager for more information or click here to sign up for a site visit.
Engineering Designs and Permitting Assistance for Bulkhead Removal:
If your site assessment with the coastal professional determines your bulkhead can be removed or replaced with natural soft-shore protection, you may be eligible for design services that will lead you toward permitting and restoration. Assistance through the permitting process may also be available. Northwest Straits Foundation staff will coordinate with regulatory personnel, biologists, and other experts to complete the permitting process. A small cost-share may be required by the landowner. Contact the Nearshore Program Manager to further discuss these options.
How do I know if my property may be a good candidate for bulkhead removal?
- Low energy bays with low erosion potential.
- Properties with sufficient setbacks of homes and other structures including septics and drainfields.
- Bluff or beach sites with no upland structures.
- Low or medium bank sites with room for vegetative buffers.
Contact us now to see if your property may fit these criteria!
For more information about these services and opportunities, contact Lisa Kaufman, Nearshore Program Manager at 360-733-1725 or