Northwest Straits Foundation, Jefferson County Marine Resources Committee (MRC) and Washington State Parks partnered to restore nearshore habitat, sediment sources and transport at the beach access area of Fort Townsend State Park. This project was designed to restore natural erosion and sediment transport along and across the shoreline creating a viable habitat for juvenile salmon, forage fish spawning, marine and shore birds while improving public access to the beach. The project significantly reduced the size, scale, and impact of the existing fill pad area. Most of the rock armoring and fill was removed. The remaining smaller landing was regraded to allow for easier access on the north side of the site including a kayak ramp. Large woody debris was placed on the face of the landing interspersed with remaining riprap to provide protection from erosion in this high energy marine environment.
See the most recent article about the restoration project here. Click here for the Fort Townsend Restoration project fact sheet.
Funding for this project was provided by: the Puget Sound Marine & Nearshore Grant Program, WDFW’s Estuary Salmon Restoration Program, US EPA, Northwest Straits Commission/Jefferson MRC, the Puget Sound Partnership, and the Alcoa Foundation. Additional support has been provided by the Point No Point Treaty Council and Jefferson County WSU Beach Watchers & Watershed Stewards for pre and post-construction monitoring.