Beach & Nearshore Restoration

To date, the Northwest Straits Foundation’s Nearshore Restoration Program has restored 5,759 linear feet of shoreline. We complete our work through the power of strong partnerships and successful collaboration. We work with both federal, state, and local governments, corporate and private landowner interests to restore shorelines throughout the Northwest Straits region back to a natural state. We have worked in collaboration with a local Marine Resources Committee on all our projects to date.

We restore shorelines to increase the amount of healthy nearshore habitat for all marine organisms, especially forage fish, that utilize the Salish Sea’s intertidal and nearshore habitat areas. It is critically important to increase the amount of forage fish, such as Pacific sand lance and surf smelt, throughout the Salish Sea. Forage fish are an essential part of the marine food web, feeding salmon, marine birds, and marine mammals. If we want our salmon to return we need to bring back our forage fish. Salmon (specifically Chinook) are the main source of food for our Southern Resident Killer Whales. Therefore, improving habitat for forage fish will not only help our salmon populations, but our resident Orcas as well.


Clayton Beach Eelgrass Restoration Feasibility RFQ.

linear feet of shoreline restored


Northwest Straits Foundation
1155 N State St Ste 400
Bellingham WA 98225
(360) 733-1725