Marine Resources Committees

Over 100 MRC members represent a broad spectrum of community interests, contributing a diverse set of knowledge, insight, and energy to the task of marine conservation in their counties. A typical MRC has representation from local government, tribal government, the local port district, local business, and the scientific, recreational and conservation communities.

Established through the congressionally authorized Northwest Straits Marine Conservation Initiative, Marine Resources Committees (MRCs) are county-based committees of volunteers appointed by their local elected officials who address local threats to the marine environment, complementing the efforts of existing authorities. Each MRC has specific local preservation and protection actions that reflect local priorities in their areas yet contribute to broader marine conversations goals. Projects carried out by MRCs include restoring nearshore, intertidal and estuarine habitats, mapping eelgrass beds, providing outreach and education to local communities, restoring native shellfish populations, installing rain gardens, and many more.



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March 23, 2016